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NADRA Divorce Certificate | How to get Nadra Divorce Certificate
NADRA Divorce Certificate in Pakistan

NADRA Divorce Certificate: What is Nadra Divorce Certificate? How to get Nadra’s Divorce Certificate? Why do I need a Nadra Divorce Certificate? Every day, we reply to several inquiries about Nadra Marriage Certificate, so we thought we should write an article to improve knowledge of public
What is the NADRA Divorce Certificate?
If you are divorced, it serves as a document that proves that your marriage has been dissolved. This certificate/deed will be required when you want to get married again, or if you are applying for a visa. It can also be used as evidence in court, if required for any reason.
If you are wondering how to obtain a NADRA divorce certificate, read on to learn more about how to get this important piece of legal documentation. In most cases, a NADRA divorce certificate in Pakistan can help you prove your divorce. In addition to providing legal documentation, a NADRA divorce certificate is inexpensive and reliable. It’s also a great option for anyone in Pakistan who wants to get a divorce from their spouse.
You can now obtain a NADRA Divorce Certificate in Pakistan after registering it with the Local Government body (Union Council) of your area. It will be entered in the NADRA’s centralized public record in Islamabad and after that, your Union Council Office will issue a Nadra Divorce Certificate. The Nadra Divorce Certificate will be given a unique registration number.
Obtaining a divorce certificate in Pakistan is not simple, but it can help you remarry with a new partner. The process begins in the Union Council of the area, and the process takes 90 days. The process can be still longer. The process should be easy and quick for everyone involved. There are some requirements that you should be aware of.
How to obtain a NADRA Divorce Certificate in Pakistan?
A NADRA divorce certificate is a vital document that can only be obtained after the dissolution of a marriage. This certificate proves that the marriage has ended and that either party can get remarried.
You can obtain this certificate by visiting the Union Council Office of your area. You will need to provide two copies of your computerized national identity card (CNIC), as well as two copies each of you and your former partner’s photographs. The Union Council Office will also require you to submit the original Nadra Marriage Certificate and a court-stamped copy of the divorce decree.
A Nadra divorce certificate is an official document that certifies the termination of a marriage between two people. It includes the names of the husband and wife, their ages, and the date of their marriage’s termination. It also includes other personal information, such as their national ID card numbers and the place of issuance. A Nadra divorce certificate is needed for various legal purposes, such as remarrying.
Obtaining a Nadra divorce certificate
The procedure of obtaining a Nadra divorce certificate is simple but lengthy and time consuming. However, it requires that you have certain documents with you. These include:
-the original copy of your Nikah Nama
-the NADRA marriage registration Certificate
-a photocopy of your CNIC as well as your ex-spouse’s CNIC
-your own thumbprint (if you are illiterate) or signature (if you are literate) on the application form
In order to get a Nadra divorce certificate, follow these steps:
1.Go to the Union Council Office in your area with all the necessary documents mentioned above. 2.Fill out an application form and submit it.
What Documents do I Need to Apply For NADRA Divorce Certificate?
You will need to have your original marriage certificate and your original divorce certificate (if applicable) in order to apply for the NADRA divorce deed. If the divorce was not performed in Pakistan, you will also need to provide a verification of divorce from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which needs to be apostilled. You must also bring two witnesses with you to the Union Council Office of your area who can confirm that the divorce took place.
If the person who wants the NADRA deed is not present at the time of application, he/she can sign a Power of Attorney declaring which must be notarized by a court or attested at their local Pakistani Consulate or Embassy. This Power of Attorney form must then be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before it can be used as part of this procedure.
Step-by-Step Procedure to Get a NADRA Divorce Certificate
Step 1: Sign the Divorce Certificate Application Form
- First, you will need to fill out the NADRA Divorce Certificate Application Form.
- When complete, you must sign the Application for the NADRA Divorce Certificate. If you cannot sign the application form for NADRA Divorce Certificate or if your name is illegible on the NADRA Divorce Certificate Application Form, then you must bring a witness with you who is able to read and write in English. The witness must also be older than 18 years of age and not related by blood to yourself or your spouse in any way.
Step 2: Attach Required Documents
You will be required to submit a copy of your Nikah Nama (Marriage Contract), a copy of your divorce deed, and/or a copy of the divorce decree.
Step 3: Submit your Application Form to NADRA office in your area.
- Submit your application form and fee to the nearest Council/TMA office in person.
- Visit NADRA’s website to find the closest office to you. You will be required to submit your application form in person at this branch, so make sure that you choose one that is convenient for you. You may also schedule an appointment online before your visit, which will enable you to get service quickly when you arrive at the office. If you are unable to visit the branch in person, then a relative or friend over age 18 may take your application on your behalf.
- Since all applicants must show their original ID card when applying for a divorce certificate, it is necessary for all applicants to apply in person at a Council/TMA office. However, if there are extenuating circumstances preventing this (for example: the applicant lives too far away from the nearest Council/TMA office) he or she can appoint an attorney.
Step 4: Collect Your Nadra Divorce Certificate from Union Council
After your application has been approved, you will have to visit the Union Council/TMA office and bring your original CNIC as well as a photocopy of it. You will also need to pay the processing fee in order to receive your divorce certificate.
A woman’s legal rights in Pakistan are the same as their husband’s, and she is entitled to protect herself and her children. She can also apply for a NADRA Divorce Certificate, if required so and she has in possession the Divorce Deed or Court’s degree for dissolution of marriage. You must also make sure that you are legitimately divorced. Whether or not your spouse is the real parent of your child is up to you, but the decision on the legitimacy of the child should not be cavalier. If your husband has the custody of your minor child, you should file a Habeas Corpus petition with the District Court.
Procedure to obtain a Divorce certificate in Pakistan
If you are in the process of obtaining a divorce certificate in Pakistan, you are likely wondering how to go about it. In this article, you will learn how to get your divorce certificate from the local government. First of all, you will need to visit the Family Court, if the divorce has been ordered by the Family Court. In case the divorce was pronounced by the husband (verbally or documentary) you would require the Divorce Deed. Once there, you will need to submit a copy of the divorce papers to the Union Council. In some cases, this will require a special power of attorney.
The name of the wife and husband, the date of divorce, and the reasons for the divorce are all included in the document. The ages of the parties are not included in the document. The document will mention the seal of the Authority and the signature of the officer who issued the Nadra divorce certificate. The date of the divorce must be after 90 days from the date of the Divorce Deed or a Court Decree. Afterwards, the Union Council/TMA/Cantonment Board/Arbitrary Council will validate the certificate.
How to get a Divorce certificate in Pakistan
If you are looking for a legal document that states that you have divorced your spouse, the NADRA divorce certificate is a great option. This document is issued by the local government or cantonment board (in the cantonment areas only). Once you have filed the application, it is important to remember that it will take a 90-day period to get it. After obtaining it, you can also have your Nadra divorce certificate attestation done by a Notary Public.
To obtain a NADRA divorce certificate in Pakistan, you will need the Nikkah Nama / marriage certificate, and a valid CNIC and the divorce deed or court’s order.
If you are planning to remarry, your divorce certificate is a must. It is also necessary if you are applying for an immigration visa for any other country. The process is computerized and can take up to 90 days, starting on the date you applied. If you have to pay for attestation, you can opt for the additional cost of hiring a lawyer. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! You’ll be glad you did!
The process to obtain a NADRA divorce certificate in Pakistan is computerized and fast. You will need a CNIC, Talaq Paper, and proof of marriage. These documents are needed to enter the divorce records of Pakistani citizens. This is a crucial piece of an e-government service delivery platform and is vital for immigration, divorce, and family visa applications. You can apply for a NADRA divorce certificate through a lawyer with a fast document obtaining service like Right Law Associates.
There is a procedure to obtain a NADRA divorce certificate in Pakistan. Once you’ve completed the necessary paperwork, you’ll receive the divorce certificate after an arbitrary council will be formed by the Chairman of the Union Council/TMA. Depending on the type of divorce, a copy of your marriage certificate and your ID card will be needed. If you have the original marriage certificate, you’ll need to submit its duly attested photostat copy too.
A divorce in Pakistan becomes effective 90 days after the Divorce letter or deed is issued. The Islamic Family Laws Ordinance 1961 has a section that states that if reconciliation has not been achieved, a divorce certificate can be requested by either party. You can obtain a NADRA divorce certificate for a nominal official fee, but in Pakistan, it is not very easy without giving some extra favor to the officials.
Once you have the divorce certificate, you’ll have to obtain attested copies for the Nadra Divorce Certificate. The process of obtaining a divorce certificate in Pakistan is generally quite expensive, so you may want to consider a legal advisor who can provide you his/her services to get your divorce certificate. It’s important to choose a lawyer who will provide the necessary services, as well as one who will be able to translate your documents into your preferred language, if required.
It is possible to obtain a NADRA Divorce certificate without visiting Pakistan. Alternatively, you can appoint a Special Power of Attorney for your children or blood relatives in Pakistan. If you live abroad and your spouse is still in Pakistan, she can also apply for the issuance of a Nadra Divorce Certificate.
Protecting yourself and children with a Divorce certificate in Pakistan
When it comes to divorce, there are many important reasons for obtaining a NADRA Divorce certificate. Having one in your hands allows you to protect yourself and your children from a violent and abusive ex. In Pakistan, the government has passed a law that allows wives to file for divorce with allowances up to 3 months. The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act makes this possible.
Obtaining a NADRA Divorce certificate is easy for those who has a lot of time to waste in the Government offices. The NADRA (National Database & Registration Authority) is a government body working under the Federal Ministry of Interior. They issue various identity cards and civil registration certificates. The civil registration system was developed by NADRA, this is why people call it a NADRA Divorce Certificate. A leading law firm that provides legal services in every big city in Pakistan, Right Law Associates, is a pioneer in providing legal assistance in many different areas, including assistance in getting issued the Nadra birth certificates, Nadra Death Certificates, Nadra Marriage Certificates and Nadra Divorce Certificates.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is the difference between a divorce certificate and a decree of divorce? A decree of divorce is a document issued by the courts stating that you are legally divorced. A divorce certificate, on the other hand, is simply meant to be documentation that confirms your status as divorced.
- How long does it take to get a divorce certificate? Once you’ve applied for the NADRA certificate through the NADRA office, it typically takes about two weeks to receive your document.
- Does the divorce certificate expire? No—it’s valid for as long as you need it.
- What is a talaq certificate? A talaq certificate is simply another term for a nadra marriage registration form or nadra talaq form depending on which country you’re in; they’re all part of the same program. You can consider it an umbrella term that encompasses any documents related to marriage and/or divorce in Pakistan.
- Where can I get a Talaq Certificate? You can apply online at https://www.nadraformservicepk.com/marriage-registration-form-pakistan
Important information to know while obtaining a divorce certificate in Pakistan
NADRA Divorce Certificate is an official document issued by NADRA. It’s issued to individuals who have divorced their spouse and want to remarry. This certificate is an important legal document, but it’s not mandatory for all citizens. In Pakistan, men and women can get married under Islamic Law or Christian Marriage Law. Both types of marriages require a marriage certificate, but only a Muslim marriage requires a NADRA Divorce Certificate in case of divorce.
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